Thursday, June 30, 2005


word list link




Patern 1

I have bad writing skills.
I think i can do much better.

Patern 2

Atlanta is not as nice as i expacted.
Atlanta dosent have any fun stuff to do.

Patern 3

Wheras i study grammer, others go to the beach.
While everybody is at the bech, i study grammer.

Words for indicating Contrast:

Even though i didden't feel well i did good on my test.
I diden't fellt good. Neverless, i did good on my test.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005



By paul......

Pattern 1
- I have longer hair than Justin.
- I think that in Atlanta has less pollution than in Thailand.

Pattern 2
- Justin is not as smart as I when we take a quiz.
- Coke does not have as much carbonation as Pepsi.

Pattern 3
- Justin loves her girlfriend so much, whereas she loves another guy more.
- While someone eats to live, Justin lives to eat.

- Although Bob fell down from the tenth building, he is still alive.

On the other hand
- Patrick eats a lot of foods; on the other hand, he is thin.

Different from
- Justin has a special talent different from others in his class.

- Tom is very rich; however, he is too stingy.

Just as
- Just as, people in America like to eat breads, people in Thailand prefer eat rice.

- Kistin speaks English like an American speaker.

In the same way
- Buddhists like to go to temples when they want; in the same way, Christians like to go to church every Sunday.

- Sam doesn’t like to play basketball and me too. and neither do I


Comparison/ Contrast

Janthima Srisombat
June 27, 2005


Pattern 1

- Tom Yum Kung is spicier than Pad Thai.
- Today she gives less money than last time.

Pattern 2

- He loves me as much as I love him.
- He does not have money as much as I have.

Pattern 3

- Whereas everyone tells me that Justin is handsome, I can’t agree with this statement.
- While good guys do homework every time, Justin doesn’t do his homework.

Words for indicating Contrast:

Even though
Even though the wallet is very expansive, my sister buys it for my birthday.

It has a little chance to pass TOEFL, nevertheless Jane hopes to take exam in this month.

Peena is a beautiful woman(punctuation) but she is not attractive.

Different from
Tom looks different from last 10 years ago.

Words for indicating Comparison:

In the same way
Swimming helps your shape fit; in the same way, it makes your body be strong.

Just as
Just as Paul is reading the grammar book for^ test tomorrow, Justin is drinking beer with his friends. No, this is a contrast. Just as reflects similarity.

Be similar to
Alex’s behavior is similar to his father’s behavior in childhood.

Jane is very kind like an angel.

Seoul is bigger than Daejon.
Seoul is more expensive than Daejon.

I have less money than I remembered.
Fewer people attended class today than yesterday.

She is as attractive as a Hollywood actress.
I think he is as rich as a famous company’s owner.

While I played soccer, he can use my computer. (Make these two verbs agree in time. )
While I like to play soccer, he prefers to use the computer.
Whereas I played basketball, my rival studied physics.



Pattern 1
Seoul is more beautiful than Atlanta, but smaller.
I have less strength than I think.
There are fewer Fordsthan Hondas.

Pattern 2
I don't care as long as you love me.
I can drive as well as Michel Sumaha.

Pattern 3
While I was in Shanghai, Hbum was in the military.
I have a positive attitude whereas he thinks bad luck.

Words for indicating Contrast
Although you hate me, I love you.
You love me, but you don’t know who I am.
I love you; even though, you hate me. You don't need the punctuation marks.

Words for indicating Comparison


Comparison / Contrast

Pattern 1
I am taller than O.
I am more handsome than Paul.

Paul has fewer girl friends than me.
O is less happy today than yesterday.

Pattern 2

My car is not as good as a BMW.
Paul is as ugly as O.

Pattern 3

While Paul got an F, I got an A+ in the final exam.
O doesn't have any friends, whereas I have many friends.

Words for indicating Contrast

O has no money; neverthless, she always looks so happy,
Paul and O live together in Atlanta, however they aren't married yet.

Words for indicating Comparison

O is similar to Julia Roberts.
Just as Paul like studying English, I like playing sports.



Pattern 1
Seoul is more beautiful than Atlanta, but smaller.
I have less strength than I think.
There are fewer Fordsthan Hondas.

Pattern 2
I don't care as long as you love me.
I can drive as well as Michel Sumaha.

Pattern 3
While I was in Shanghai, Hbum was in the military.
I have a positive attitude whereas he thinks bad luck.

Words for indicating Contrast


Comparison and Contrast

For today's assignment, we will work with sentence patterns and connectors which are useful for expressing comparison and contrast. Write two sentences for each of the patterns. You will also need to write a sentence using each of the words in the lists below the patterns.

Friday, June 24, 2005


In-class Writing TEST

Using a word document, write a process essay that explains in clear steps the method for LOGGING IN AND CREATING A POST FOR A WEBLOG. Include tips, warnings and any useful observations which would make a new user more successful. Your grade will be based on the quality and amount of information which you include and your organization. BE CAREFUL.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Cause of cancer disease

By Paul ...(cause/effect)

Nowadays, a cancer is No.2 and the leading cause of death for people around the world. It seems like a devil for someone who gets cancer because he/she must always take medicine and chemo therapy and pay a lot of money. Most people get cancer disease because of three main reasons:
First, when you have stress, you will get cancer. For example, if you always smoke, drink, and drug, you will cumulate many dangerous substances in your body and then lead to cancer. Besides, others who don’t smoke but^ close you probably risk being the lung cancer highly.
Second, someone doesn’t be careful about eating especially bad foods or junk foods. For example, if you prefer to eat grilled meat, you will have higher chance to get the large intestine cancer than anybody who likes to eat vegetables and fruits.
Last, the cancer results of genetic inheritance. If your parents get the cancer, you may be cancer. Therefore, you should check your health at least once a year and find some information for preventing it.
All in all, a cancer is dangerous disease for human beings but they can protect it.(protect against it) They should avoid smoking and some bad foods. Moreover, if they know that their parents get the cancer, they should take care themselves such as working out, making a mental condition happily, etc. I would suggest that medical researcher(use plural) should hurry up to find some excellent medicines for relieving suffering of anyone who got it.


Alternatives to Produce Energy

Mario Lopez
Cause-Effect paper

Alternatives to Produce Energy

Energy affects all aspects of modern life. The demand for energy is increasing in relation to the growth of world population. For example, oil and gas are expected to continue to be important sources of energy. Today, electric power generation is based on non-renewable resources such as oil, coal, and nuclear power. New renewable energy generation options are commercially available right now. The share of renewable energy sources is expected to increase very significantly. Alternative energy technologies are being disseminated and many countries have an objective to reduce the use of traditional and commercial energy sources. For each country, the choice between the various available options is strongly dependent on the local characteristics. In addition, some experts estimate that people in twenty or thirty years will use alternative energy in their houses, cars, and factories. However, today our natural resources, like petroleum, are getting smaller everyday and the time to save the environment is finished too. It is time to find fast answers which protect the planet and some companies which give work to many people in the world.

Alternative energy is an excellent and necessary option for the future of energy business and environment. Hybrid autos and solar panels are good examples to describe some ways of alternative energy which will have positive effects on the environment and exploitation of natural resources. Also, alternative energy should represent a cheap option for consumers in the future. However, this option has some disadvantages(usually we use a comma before a final too) too. First, in the beginning every new product has a high cost. In other words, the new technology is expensive, like the hybrid car from Toyota or solar panels. It is a problem to common people who don’t have enough money to buy this kind of devices. However, implementing this kind of technology in the public transportation could or in the public electrical services be a good option to people who don’t have money. Second, every place around the word is different, and they have specifics conditions. For example, not is the same implement the solution of solar panels or wind propels in the poles than in a dessert like Arizona. The conditions are different (comma)and this technology has some specifics conditions in reference to the environment such as clime and topography on a specific place.

In conclusion, the government and the big companies that produce and use energy and use energy for their products have a responsibility to research new alternatives which don’t use fossil resources, like petroleum derivates. They must implement new(comma) creative and clean ways to produce energy to find new resources of energy which protect the environment and the pockets of consumers.


An environmental problem

Janthima Srisombat
June 23, 2005

Main Idea: An environmental problem becomes a hot potato.

1. The people need to care of their health more than the past
2. The government spends a lot of money each year to make better the environmental problem
3. The natural environment is destroyed because of the industrial expanding, so all organisms are lost their inhabitation

An environmental problem

In the past, an environment problem was not attended by people because they can live with peace. When the number of population increases continual, it has many problems. An environmental problem is one of many problems; so it was raise to discuss as a big problem almost part of the world. I have three reasons to support why environmental problems are important.

Firstly, the people need to ^care of their health more than the past. Now a day; when consumers spend the money for food, actually they want to get the best thing. For example; when I go to the supermarket, I will pay attention to choose vegetable and meat without chemical and toxic contamination.

Secondly, the government spends a lot of money each year to make better the environmental problems. (word order)For example, the tax from citizen(use plural) was spent for buying modern technologies and tools in waste management.

Thirdly, the natural environment is destroyed because of the industrial expanding, so all organisms are lost their inhabitation. Land use is changes by the investor. For example, the canal was filled up with soil and become to the road for transportation. As a result, the tree and the organisms surrounding there were destroyed.

For conclusion, we should recognize about more and more. Otherwise; we will lose many things such as money, health, and all organisms. We should not think that environmental protection is government’s responsibility, in fact; it is individual’s responsibility. It is^ fact that what you give, you will get it.


The causes and effects for people get cold

Cold is a common sickness for people, but do you know about the cold? Even in the present day, there is no speccific remedy for the cold. The medicines that the doctor gives you are only to moderate the cold, but they can't cure your cold. The resson that make you cure is the preotection from your body. The most important cause for you getting a cold is your body is weak. When your body is weak, the body from preotection will become weak. If your body preotection can't kill the germs faster than the speed they propagateing, then you will get the cold.


Cancer is bad friend for you.

I would like to introduce about cancer.
Now cancer is No.2 and the leading cause of death for people.
Most people get cancer disease because of three main reasons.
If you don’t want to get cancer, your mind is very important.
You will feel happy. (use should here)That is good for your body.

First reason, when people get stress, they will drink, drug, and smoke.
Besides, someone who don’t smoke but ^close ^them probably ^get cancer disease.
For example, one woman who I knew didn’t smoke. But she got a cancer of the lung; because, her boyfriend smoked so many times.

Second reason, someone don’t be careful about eating some bad foods such as fast foods. For example, Japanese live more long than American(plural) because many kinds of foods of American have a lot of meats that they cause disease. On the other hand, most Japanese foods consist of vegetables and seafood.

Last reason, cancer disease result of genetic inheritance. If your parents get cancer, you may be this disease. For example, one people who I know had a cancer of lung. And his son has a same cancer. Doctor said “This disease is inheritance, you should prepare dead.

Cancer is^ dangerous disease for human beings but they can protect^^ it. They should avoid smoking and some bad foods. Moreover, if they know that their parents get cancer, they should take care themselves such as working out. Possibly you will take a cancer, you have to prepare!! You have to live happily.

Happy mind!! Happy body!!


Note to students

I am going to use another mark in your edits: ^. This will be like the insertion mark which is used in hand grading. It means you need to add a word. If you need to add more than one word, I will use ^^.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


The education of school : Private school & Public school

Justin & Christin

For many years, education has been ^important thing. So most parents want their kids to get a high education. Much higher(use hyphen) educated people will be created by private school, at public school the education is not that high.

Kids are sent by their parents to boarding school, because of the high education young people will experience.The parents have to work a high paid job, to be able to pay the expensive fees.At puplic schools people study for free, because the state is paid for the school.Since kids study for free at public scools, the education is not that high.

In conclusion, you had better make sure you have rich parents. you can walk your way up to the good school, also it is not an easy.



I want to talk about cancer. It is a very dangerous cause ^a higher rate of death. It has several causes. Nowadays, cancer is No. 2 and the leading cause of death for people. Most people get cancer disease because of three main reasons. The first reason is we have a lot of stress from business, school grade, men and women problems, family problems, and so on. When people get stress, they will smoke, drink, and drug. Especially, smoking is one of the biggest reasons. Beside, someone who don’t smoke but close them probably get cancer disease. The second reason is someone doesn’t be careful about eating some bad foods such as fast foods. For example, Japanese is the oldest in the world. Japanese live more long than American because Japanese eat a lot of vegetables, seafood and they eat a little meat. On the other hand, American eats a lot of meat and they eat a few vegetables, seafood. If you want to live longer, you have to eat a lot of vegetables and seafood. The last reason is cancer disease results of genetic inheritance. If your parents get cancer, you may be this disease. Cancer is a dangerous disease for human beings but they can protect it.


The Environmental Problem

Cause and Effect

Main idea –Now a days, the environmental problem become a hot potato.

1. People need to care of their health more than the past.

2. The government spends a lot of money each year to make better the environmental problem.

3. The natural environment is destroyed because of the industrial expanding, so all organisms are lost their inhabitation.

The people are influenced by environment, so the environment is important for our living. However, you have a lot of environmental problems for the population growing; therefore, Now a day, the environmental problem becomes a hot potato. There are three reasons why the environmental problem becomes a hot potato.

First, the people need to ^care of their health more than the past. They want to live more wealth, so they think about their life and health. That is the people are interested in the environmental problem. The second reason, the government spends a lot of money each year to make better the environmental problem. For example, the government constructs the water treatment system for getting pure water. Most important reason is that the nature environment is destroyed because of the industrial expanding, so all organisms are lost their inhabitation. They live with us, but people think about only our convenience. For example, the tropical forest is destroyed to farm or build something.

We spend a lot of things to increase environmental problems, like money, time and labor. Our life goes on, not the end, so we should protect nature for our descendents. It is our responsibility and duty.

second draft
The people are influenced by environment, so the environment is important for our living. However, you have a lot of environmental problems from population growth; therefore, Now a day, the environmental problem becomes a hot potato. There are three reasons why the environmental problem becomes a hot potato.
First, the people need to take care of their health more than ^the past. They want to live more wealth, so they think about their life and health. That is ^the people are interested in the environmental problem. The second reason^, the government spends a lot of money each year to make better the environmental problem.(word order) For example, the government constructs the water treatment system for getting pure water.^ Most important reason is that the nature environment is destroyed because of the industrial expanding, so all organisms are lost their inhabitation. They live with us, but people think about only thier convenience. For example, the tropical forest is destroyed to farm or build something.
We spend a lot of things to increase environmental problems, like money, time and labor. Life goes on, naver ending, so we should protect nature for our descendents. It is our responsibility and duty.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005



People have conflict with other people because they have different thinking.

People have different ways of thinking. As a result they have conflict with other people.

If people have different ways of thinking, then they will have conflict with others. ( use another word here, such as others)

People's conflicts result from different ways of thinking.

When people have different ways of thinking, then the conflict will exist between them.



The dog is very dirty because he falls into the water.
When the dog is falls into the water, the dog is very dirty.
The dog falls into the water. As a result, he is very dirty.
If the dog falls into the he water, he will have a dirty body.
The dog’s dirty body results from falling into the water.



Cause effect sentence pattern

When my father is leaving the house for work, my mother feels lonely.

If he would work less, my mother could enjoy him more.

When I train for sports a lot, I have a better chance to win the competition.

If I train too hard, I my hurt my muscles.

When I left Germany my friends were upset.

If I had never left Germany, I would never experience the beautiful culture of Americans.



Cause/effect sentence patterns

In addition to because, these patterns can be used to indicate cause (reason) and effect (result).

1. when....(then)

2. as a result

3. if.....(then)

4. result(s) from + noun phrase (often a gerund phrase)


The paint is so light because he added a lot of white.
When you add white paint, the color is lighter.
He added white paint. As a result, the color is light.
If you add white paint, (then) you will get a lighter color.
Light colors result from adding white pigment.

Monday, June 20, 2005



With a partner, choose a topic on a social issue and make a topic sentence and an outline. Your effect (result) will be expressed in your topic (main idea) sentence. Try to find at least three causes for your subject and give clear examples(details)for each cause. Then summarize with a concluding sentence. This will create an informal outline for your essay. Here are some suggestions for topics: an environmental problem and its causes, a health issue and its causes, causes for a political or social problem, causes for a new trend in society, causes for the popularity of something.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Listen and Take Notes

If your second draft of the process paragraph is complete, watch this "How-To" video and take notes. Listen especially for transition words and phrases that indicate special "tips" or "things to look out for" and see if they are helpful to the explanation. Would you be able to write a step-by-step guide on how to set up a blogger account for other students to follow?

Friday, June 10, 2005


Using computers in our class

Mario Lopez

Topic: Using Computers in Our Class

We[g1] meet in a computer classroom every day per week, so we have the opportunity to use computers as we develop our writing skills. In doing so, there are several important things to remember. Then, the purpose of this is to remind of you some rules for using of the computers of(article) language institute.

First[g2] , you need to be aware that when you log in to any computer at Georgia Tech Institute, you must log off when you finish. If do you not log off, some one else can use your ID to either print out your own work or access inappropriate internet sites. Also, another user might use your ID to access websites that either spread virus or that have inappropriate content like pornographic material. It is important to always log off any computer when you are ready to leave.

Another[g3] important rule concerns about personal use of the computers during classes time. Do not check email, go to chat rooms, or do work for other class. You may go the computer lab at other times different from class to do these things, or use a few minutes before or after class. The purpose for this restriction is to keep the focus during class on the activities we are working on. It can also be distracting for other students if you are doing other activities during class.

Finally[g4] , you should use the form that you feel most comfortable with when we have writing activities in class. For example, some people prefer writing on paper while others prefer using the computer. However, the computer will be used when is the time to publisher our drafts in the Blogger website. If you have any difficulties during your time in class, please ask for help from your teacher to disscus it.


[g2]Body 1

[g3]Body 2


Mario Lopez

Topic: Using Computers in Our Class

Second Draft

We meet in a computer classroom every day per week, so we have the opportunity to use computers as we develop our writing skills. In doing so, there are several important things to remember. The purpose of this is to remind you of some rules for using the computers from the Language Institute.

First, you need to be aware that when you log in to any computer at Georgia Tech Institute, you must log off when you finish. If do you not log off, some one else can use your ID to either print out your own work or access inappropriate internet sites. Also, another user might use your ID to access websites that either spread virus or that have inappropriate content like pornographic material. It is important to always log off any computer when you are ready to leave.

Another important rule concerns about personal use of the computers during class time. Do not check email, go to chat rooms, or do work for other class. You may go the computer lab at other times different from class to do these things, or use a few minutes before or after class. The purpose for this restriction is to keep the focus during class on the activities we are working on. It can also be distracting for other students if you are doing other activities during class.

Finally, you should use the form that you feel most comfortable with when we have writing activities in class. For example, some people prefer writing on paper while others prefer using the computer. However, the computer will be used when is the time to publish our drafts in the Blogger website. If you have any difficulties during your time in class, please ask for help from your teacher to discuss it.


How to ride a motorcycle

I like to ride motorcycles, but most people think that they are too dangerous, however I don’t think that because when you ride a motorcycle, you can be careful. There are many kinds of motorcycles. You can learn easily or you can have trouble learning. Some motorcycles have a clutch. If you ride that, you will learn hard. First, you have to rid fear of motorcycles. If you have fear of motorcycles, you will be in a dangerous situation. Also, you have to put on a helmet before (you) start to drive the motorcycle. If you don’t put it on, you will get a ticket from a police officer and you will be(is there a word missing here?) when you have an accident. Second, you have to support the motorcycle with your feet. You have to grab the clutch and start the motorcycle. When driving the motorcycle, you should chage gear. The motorcycle drive similar to driving a car. When you meet a corner, you must reduce speed, and you have to be careful. If you don't reduce speed, and you don't be careful, you will have an accident or you will fly out of a road. You have to fill up the motorcycle with gas. It is similar to filling a car. ( Your organization is a little confusing. What is your main idea?)

My hobby anime

For me, drawing is my favorite hobby, also I'm especially good at it. My drawing is not the realistic drawing. It is the comic drawing, but my style it is Japanese style. It is call “anime.” Japanese style comic usually is not for the children. It is usually for the teenagers or the adult, because it has deeper meaning and some of them have spe
If you want to start learn about the anime drawing. First you need to know about you speciality to chose what types of comic you should drawing. If you(verb) good at drawing and you can try to drawing you own style. Not to try to copy other people’s style then you will be striking one. If you don’t have good drawing skill, you can try to selling you ideas. Just like 4 squares comic. It(verb?) always short(comma) but you need some good ideas for attract the reader.
The first important tool is(article) pen. There are many kinds of pen, but every one well use is pencil first. Pencils are using for making the sketches. It is not the final drawing, so it is not an important thing. For Japanese anime, there is no any color in the comic, so the lines become more important than the color one. The Japanese anime drawer will use the special pen call “G-pen.” It can make different thicknesses depending on how mach power you use. The other pen is the fountain pen. This kind of pen usually is for drawing the out side squares. It is easy to use. But for the new drawer, please don’t use this kind of pen for drawing your whole picture. This kind of pen is easy to use, but the characters will look like stiff and unlively.
Next is correction fluid, this is for if you have mistake then this will help you out. You need to be careful about with kind fluid you need to use. There are two basic kind of fluids, white out and white poster paint. For the link used by G-pen you will need to use white poster paint, because the link won’t stay on the white out so well.


My hobby anime

For me, drawing is my favorite hobby, also I’m especially good at it. My drawing is not the realistic drawing. It is the comic drawing, but my style it is Japanese style. It is call “anime.” Japanese style comic usually is not for the children. It is usually for the teenagers or the adult, because it has deeper meaning and some of anime have fighting.
If you want to start learn about the anime drawing, first you need to know about your specialities to chose what types of comic you should drawing. If you are good at drawing then you can try to drawing you own style. To try not to copy other people’s style make you self be striking one. If you don’t have good drawing skill, you can sell you ideas, like 4 squares comic. It will always short, but you need some good ideas for attracting the reader.
The most important tool is pen. There are many kinds of pen, but every one will use the pencil first. Pencils are the pen for making the sketches. It is not the final drawing, so it is not an important thing. For Japanese anime, there is no any color in the comic, so the lines become more important than the color anime. The Japanese anime drawer will use the special pens name “G-pen.” It can make different thicknesses depending on how hard you use. The other pen is the fountain pen. This kind of pen usually is for drawing the out side squares. It is easy to use. But for the new drawer, please don’t use this kind of pen for drawing your whole picture. This kind of pen is easy to use, but the characters will look more stiff and unlively.
Next is correction fluid. This is for you have mistakes then this will help you out. You need to be careful about what kind fluid you need to use. There are two basic kind of fluids, white out and white poster paint. For the ink used by G-pen you will need to use white poster paint, because the ink won’t stay on the white out so well.


How to Enjoy SCUBA Diving

I have loved the sea since I was young, and I dreamed of underwater cities like Atlantis. This city was covered a glass dome; therefore, everybody could see the whole seascape. There were a lot of coral and fish. Schools of fish swam between the coral reef. After I entered the university, I joined CUDA (Chungnam National University Diving Association) in 2001 and my diving life began. SCUBA means self-contained underwater breathing apparatus and the main equipment are mask, snorkel, BCD, fin, wetsuit, regulator, weight belt and air tank. Now I will tell you how you can dive. Diving is a really dangerous sport without practice. An unexpected situation might occur when you dive, so before going to the sea, you must practice a lot to overcome the difficulty. In my case, I usually practice in the diving pool, 17 feet deep, near my university once a month. Now that you’ve finished your practice, let’s go to the sea. First, you must choose a beautiful place before going to the sea. Generally, the islands near the equator are amazing. There is place like my dream, so if I were you, I would go to Guam in the Pacific. After arriving, you should get enough rest because you will expend a lot of energy during diving. Then, maybe the next day, you can begin diving. Before diving, you should check your body and equipment, and listen to your guide to find out when to sink, go, and float. You have to dive with a native guide because he/she knows the local situation and what place is good. After you sink, just enjoy your diving but be careful about sudden rising. This is really dangerous when you dive. There are two reasons why you avoid sudden rising. The first reason is in 10M underwater, the pressure becomes two times greater than at the surface. It means you breathe in two times more air while underwater; however, your lung is same size. Therefore, if you go up suddenly, the pressure decreases, which causes the air in your lungs to get bigger, and your lungs will explode. The other reason you should avoid sudden rising is nitrogen. Nitrogen comprises 70% of the air, so it is dissolved in your blood. When you go up suddenly, the nitrogen fills up your blood vessels because of the pressure change. Don’t be afraid about this. This rarely occurs if you practice hard. After you dive, you should rest for 2 to 3 hours to return to your normal nitrogen rate, and you should not go on an airplane for a half day for same reason.
SCUBA diving is a wonderful sport. You can experience another world by SCUBA diving. You can swim with tropical, colorful fish and sea turtles. Then, you will feel like a fish yourself! I hope you can enjoy your diving by this article.

Thursday, June 09, 2005



8 JUNE, 2005
Janthima Srisombat

How to make a family recipe?

1. It is Thai food.
2. The kind of food that I introduce is noodle.
3. I have a secret special recipe which you cannot know from anywhere.
4. There are three main parts to know
- Preparing the ingredient
- Stirring-fry
- Decorating the plate
5. It is not difficult to try cooking by yourself; however, it is not easy to cook it deliciously.
6. Not only do Thais love eating Pad-Thai, but foreigners prefer and feel fascinated by its tasteHow to make a family recipe?


In my country, Thailand, there are many kinds of the traditional food that it is(subject-verb agreement) popular. One of these foods that I would introduce you is Pad-Thai. Its name means “Frying noodle in Thai style”. If you love noodle food, you should try it at once in your life. It is suitable for every age because it is easy to eat. In fact, not only do Thais love eating Pad-Thai, but foreigners prefer and feel fascinated by its taste. I don’t know what true main reason make them attracted. However, I can imply that it has a lot of ingredients so they feel delicious while they are eating. As a result, it consists of noodle, bean sprouts, ground roasted bean, bean curd, eggs, shrimp, dried shrimps, and so on. Another reason is that some of ingredients can help the digest of body such as tamarind juice, lime, banana blossom, chopped chives. In Thailand, you can find Pad-Thai(preposition) both sidewalks and restaurants. By the way, if you want to enjoy cooking your own, I can tell how to cook it and make it delicious. There are three main parts to you should know: preparing the ingredient, stirring-fry, and decorating the plate.

Preparing the ingredients:
- Rice noodle ½ package
- Chopped chives 2 tablespoons
- Ground roasted bean 3 tablespoons
- 1 egg
- Lemon or lime 1 slice
- Sugar 2 tablespoons
- Fish sauce 2 teaspoons
- Tamarind juice
- bean sprouts
- bean curd
- Shrimp
- Dried shrimps
- Banana blossom

Second Draft

20 JUNE, 2005
Janthima Srisombat

How to make a family recipe?


In my country, Thailand, there are many kinds of the traditional food that are popular. One of these foods that I would introduce to you is Pad-Thai. Its name means “Frying noodle in Thai style”. If you love noodle dishes, you should try it once in your life. It is suitable for every age because it is easy to eat. In fact, not only do Thais love eating Pad-Thai, but foreigners prefer and feel fascinated by its taste. I don’t know what true main reason makes them attracted. However, I can infer that it has a lot of ingredients such as noodle, bean sprouts, ground roasted bean, bean curd, eggs, shrimp, dried shrimps, and so on so they feel the food is delicious while they are eating. Another reason is that some ingredients can help the digestive system of the body such as tamarind juice, lime, banana blossom, chopped chives. In Thailand, you can find Pad-Thai along both sidewalks and restaurants. By the way, if you want to enjoy cooking your own, I can tell how to cook it and make it delicious. There are three main parts you should know: preparing the ingredient, stirring-fry, and decorating the plate.

Preparing the ingredients:
- Rice noodle ½ package
(You should soak the noodle in the cold water at least 1 hour so that it is soft)
- Chopped chives 2 tablespoons
- Ground roasted bean 3 tablespoons
- 1 egg
- Lemon or lime 1 slice
- Sugar 2 tablespoons
- Fish sauce 2 teaspoons
- Tamarind juice
- bean sprouts
- bean curd 2 teaspoons
- Shrimp
- Dried shrimps 2 teaspoons
- Banana blossom
- Paprika
- Soup stock 3 teaspoons
- Carrot
- Coriander
- Oil

First, heat a pan, pour the oil and wait until it ishot. Next; put bean curd, dried shrimps, and shrimps together. You stir-fry them until their color is changed or look well done. However, you should check the heat all the time while you are stirring. If it is over hot, it may be burnt and black. Then, you should get the shrimps out of the pan; otherwise they may be sticky. The next step, add the noodles and try to stir them quickly. Add tamarind juice, soup stock, fish sauce, sugar, ground roasted bean. I suggest that you have to taste your food when you are cooking and add ingredients gradually. Then, you mix and stir them about 1 minute. In order to make it healthful, you should put some vegetable such as chopped chives, bean sprouts, and carrots and mix them together. After that spread out the mixture on one side. Break the egg shell; put it in the other side of the pan. Cook total mixture and wait until the egg sets. Finally, you have to continue cook with medium heat for 2 minutes.

Decorating the plate:
When you finished working, you put Pad-Thai in the dish. Put the shrimp on the top. Sprinkle the ground roasted bean, chopped chives, bean sprouts, and coriander. Add the slice lemon, banana blossom, and paprika at the side of dish.
And…It’s time to enjoy eating ~Pad Thai~


To make more delicious, I have two secret matters to tell you about Pad-Thai. The first, you should use charcoal to heat because it will have smell better than heat from gas or electricity. The latter is that you should eat while it is still hot. The cause is that the noodle is soft, ground roasted bean have good smelling.

By Janthima Srisombat


Tom Yum Kung by Pong

It would be more difficult to find any Bangkokians who have never recognized Tom Yum Kung. Not only is Tom Yum Kung well noted among Bangkok residents, but it is also popularly known among international visitors to Thailand as the symbol of national Thai food. It is a special spicy soup and has a lot of herbs. By the way, My family often likes to cook and eat Tom Yum Kung every week. Because my(put my before household) most members of household love to eat spicy foods, so it is not strange that Tom Yum Kung would be one of such spicy foods. My family recipe has a special formula to cook light (without milk) Tom Yum Kung that(subject) can’t find anywhere. Now , are you ready ? Let’s make Tom Yum Kung in my style.(good introduction)
First step, to prepare ingredients for Tom Yum Kung is easy to find in Thailand. Its main ingredients consist of shrimps , mushrooms , lemongrass , pork stock , lime leaves , green peppercorn , red onion , ginger, galingale , salt , fish sauce , lime juice , cilantro leaves and water. In portion , I can’t specify certainly , it depends on number of consumers and some desired taste.
1. My family like to cook and eat Tom yum kung every week.
2. Tom Yum Kung is one of symbol Thai foods.
3. Tom Yum Kung is a special spicy soup and has a lot of herbs.
4. Tom Yum Kung has 2 types : thick and light.
5. My family recipe has a special formula to cook Tom yum kung that can’t find anywhere.
6. Not only is Tom yum kung delicious , but it also make healthy be strong.
7. How to cook it for me is very easy because when my mother did it , I would often help her to prepare ingredients and remember the way to cook it.
8. Its main ingredients consist of shrimps , mushrooms , lemongrass , pork stock , lime leaves , green peppercorn , red onion , ginger , salt , fish sauce , lime juice , cilantro leaves and water.
9. You should eat it hot because it will taste better.

Second draft

Tom Yum Kung by Pong.......

It would be difficult to find any Bangkokians who have never heard of Tom Yum Kung. Not only is Tom Yum Kung well-noted among Bangkok residents, but it is also popularly known among international visitors to Thailand as the symbol of national Thai food. It is a special spicy soup and has a lot of herbs. By the way, my family often likes to cook and eat Tom Yum Kung every week. Because most members of my household love to eat spicy foods, so it is not strange that Tom Yum Kung would be one of such spicy foods. My family recipe has a special formula to cook light (without milk) Tom Yum Kung that it can’t be found anywhere. Now , are you ready ? Let’s make Tom Yum Kung in my style.
First step: These ingredients needed to prepare Tom Yum Kung are easy to find in Thailand. Its main ingredients consist of shrimps , pork stock , sliced straw mushrooms , minced lemongrasses , minced lime leaves , green peppercorn , smashed red onion , smashed ginger, smashed galingale , minced hot green Thai chili peppers , roasted chili paste , salt , fish sauce , lime juice , chopped cilantro leaves and water. In portion, I can’t specify certainly; it depends on number of consumers and some desired taste.
Second step: This step is cooking Tom Yum Kung. Firstly, you have to simmer water and pork stock in a pot over medium heat about 10 minutes. Next, adding the lemongrasses , lime leaves , green peppercorn , red onion , ginger ,and galingale boil about 5 minutes. Then, put in the shrimps , mushrooms ,and roasted chili paste simmer to continue over medium heat until shrimps are pink through. After that, you should take the pot off the stove and put the salt , fish sauce , lime juice , and hot green Thai chili peppers so that the heat will reduce their wonderful taste. Lastly, you could taste it and add more of such ingredients if you want.
After finishing that second step ,you should eat it immediately while it is hot by pouring the soup into the bowl and garnishing with cilantro leaves. As a result, you get the perfect taste from it and you will remember it forever when you feel hungry. I would suggest that you all shouldn't miss to eat it because it has a lot of benefits for you health. Enjoy eating ….. Tom Yum Kung !!

By Paul....Thai


yusunlee( process paragraph)

process paragraph

Do you know Korean food Kim chi?
Kim chi is popular and traditional in Korea side food that made spicy from cabbage.
Korean people always eat Kim chi, and they like it(punctuation here) also that is my favorite thing too.
So, today I will introduce Korean style Kim chi fried rice. If you make that, you will make that easy.
First, when you make for one person, you will prepare chop up the one half head of Kim chi and then you mice onion, spam, bell paper, and red paper according to your liking.
Second, after you heat the pan and put the olive oil, then you can put down theses stuffs.
When you put the rice, you can mix them. (Do you need to cook the rice first?)
Finally, you will put the salt and black paper on your Kim chi fried rice. Enjoy your food!

Out ilne
Do you know “kim chi”?
Today I will introduce Korean style Kim Chi fried rice.
Korean people usually eat this food because it uses Kim chi.


-You prepare for one person.
-chop up the one half head of Kim chi
-cook rice for one person
-mice the onion, ham, bell paper,.( according to one’s liking )
-3 spoon olive oil, blackpaper, 1 teaspoon sesame oil and salt properly


How to Enjoy SCUBA

- I have loved the sea since I was young -> I dreamed an underwater city like Atlantis
- Before I entered U.V., I joined CUDA ( Chungnam national University Diving Association )
- Def. of SCUBA : Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
- Equipment ( mask, snorkel, BCD, fin, wetsuit, regulator, air tank)


- Before going to the sea, you must practice a lot
- Choosing a place and date
- Check your body and equipment
- Notice diving road
- Decide how long you stay underwater
- You should dive with a guide
- When you finish diving, you should take a break for several hours
- After you dive, you must not go on an airplane for 6 hours because of nitrogen

- SCUBA diving is an wonderful sport
- Enjoy your diving


How to make a family recipe?(Rice cake soup)

How to make a family recipe?

Rice Cake Soup(Tteokkuk)

1. It is Korean food.
2. The kind of food that I explain is a rice soup.
3. I have a secret special recipe which you cannot eat .(why?)
4. I introduce four main sentences.
-Basic Ingredients
-For seasoned soy sauce
-Secret special recipe
-Cooking Point
5. I’m sure that you like it. (just kidding.)
6. This food is eaten in celebrate day or normal life.
7. This food has a mean of particular in New Year's Day.
8. Sometimes our family cook this food to add dumplings.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Black forest cherry cake!

Black forest Cherrie Cake

To bake a black forest cake you have to have German burned Schnapps ( Brandy),
Which you only can get in the Black forest, that’s way it is so special to eat a black forest cake.
You also will need a lot off hand made whip, and chocolate cake powder mix.
Start out wit mixing the chocolate powder mix with 1 ½ cups of milk and 4 eggs.
Mix all of the ingredients till there is a stiff, batter .
Let(article)batter stay like it is for a minute, while you start the whip, it is very easy, you go had and mix it till its creamy. (divide this sentence)


Let's go snowbording!

I like winter and sport, so in winter, I often go snowbording with my friends. It is exciting and fantastic, so I'd like to explain how to do snowboarding to you.

First of all, you have to prepare some equipment: boots, binding, deck, clothes, goggle, gloves(plural), helmet and so on. If you don't have them, you don't have to buy them, because you can borrow them in a snowboard shop.

Next, after you wear them, if you do it for the first time, you had better snowboard in the lower part of the slope, not to take a lift. Then, there is BBP, it means Balanced Body Position. Spread your arms and bend your knees a little bit, but straighten yourself.

Then, if you are ready, Next is Side-Slipping. When you assume the position, BBP, and face the lower slope(not clear), you can go down automatically. And then, raise your toe. If you do so, you will stop it. On the contrary, when you face the higher slope, if you raise your heel, you will also stop it. These are Toe-side-slipping(or Back-side-slipping) and Heel-side-slipping(or Front-side-slipping).

Second draft
I like winter and sport, so in winter, I often go snowbording with my friends. It is exciting and fantastic, so I'd like to explain how to do snowboarding to you. First of all, you have to prepare some equipment: boots, binding, deck, clothes, goggle, gloves, helmet and so on. If you don't have them, you don't have to buy them, because you can borrow them in a snowboard shop.
Next, after you wear them, if you do it for the first time, you had better snowboard in the lower part of the slope, not take a lift. Then, there is BBP which means Balanced Body Position. Spread your arms and bend your knees a little bit, but straighten yourself.
Then, if you are ready, next is Side-Slipping. When you assume the position, BBP, and face the lower slope, you can go down automatically. And then, raise your toe. If you do so, you will stop moving. On the contrary, when you face the higher slope, if you raise your heel, you will also stop it. These are Toe-side-slipping(or Back-side-slipping) and Heel-side-slipping(or Front-side-slipping).


Process Paragraph

For your Process paper, you will need to write about one of the following:
1. How to make a family recipe This will be posted in when the second draft is finished.
2. How to do or make something traditional in your culture
3. Your hobby and how to do it
4. Another topic by approval

Your paper should also include an introduction which will make the reader want to learn what you are explaining. One way is to ask a question which will make the reader curious. Another is to tell why it is special to you. In addition, you will need one or two sentences as a conclusion.

You will need to use transition words such as first, next , finally to explain the process.
You also should use at least two modal forms, such as may,might, can, will, have to. (see your grammar book p. 151)

Friday, June 03, 2005


High Museum of Art

Mario Lopez
Writing - class
High Museum of Art

Last year, I went to the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. It is located on Peachtree ST, near to my home. I met with my friend Joel and together we went to the museum. At the museum’s entry, we paid eight dollars per person, and a man showed us that the main exhibition was Glories of Ancient Egypt. This exhibition was from October 9, of 2004 to January 26, of 2005. Before you go to the exhibition, a woman gives us a tape recorder that you can hear the history about every object exhibited. (You changed tenses --are you going to use past tense or simple present?)It is so interesting because can listen and see objects that evoke the splendor of Egyptian art and funerary practices over a period of 4200 years. In addition, the works of art range in date from third millennium B.C to the 4th century AD, from the formation of the Egyptian sate to the advent of Christianity.

A number of objects in the exhibition derive from this period. The show contains an exceptional fragment of an obelisk belonging to one of the few female pharaohs. In addition, to outstanding examples of New Kingdom sanctuary, relief, and vessels, the exhibition also contains kohl pots, mirrors, and jewelry that was used everyday by ancient Egyptians to beatify them selves (one word). It is amazing when do you think about how they did to created objects to sanctuary and relief(not clear), to coffins, the funerary arts and daily life objects.

On the other hand, you can see another exhibition from an artists to French sub realism such as Monet and Renau. This is a fantastic exhibition which was a great experience for my knowledge and to improve my English. There, I can talk in English with my partner and also everything which I did in the museum was in English. I recommend this place for everyone because it is a perfect opportunity to enjoy and learn a little about interesting themes around art.
Second Draft
High Museum of Art
Last year, I went to the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. It is located on Peachtree ST, near to my home. I met with my friend Joel and together we went to the museum. At the museum’s entry, we paid eight dollars per person, and a man showed us that the main exhibition was Glories of Ancient Egypt. This exhibition was from October 9, of 2004 to January 26, of 2005. Before you go to the exhibition, a woman gave us a tape recorder which explained the history about every object in the exhibition. It is so interesting because(need a subject) can listen and see objects that evoke the splendor of Egyptian art and funerary practices over a period of 4200 years. In addition, the works of art range in date from third millennium B.C to the 4th century AD, from the formation of the Egyptian sate to the advent of Christianity.

A number of objects in the exhibition derive from this period. The show contains an exceptional fragment of an obelisk belonging to one of the few female pharaohs. In addition, to outstanding examples of New Kingdom sanctuary, relief, and vessels, the exhibition also contains kohl pots, mirrors, and jewelry that were used everyday by ancient Egyptians to beautify themselves. It is amazing when you think about how they created objects such as, coffins, the funerary arts and daily life objects.

On the other hand, you can see another exhibition of French surrealist artists such as Monet and Renau. This is a fantastic exhibition which was a great experience for my knowledge and to improve my English. There, I can talk in English with my partner and also everything which I did in the museum was in English. I recommend this place for everyone because it is a perfect opportunity to enjoy and learn a little about interesting themes around art.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

First Draft

When I first came to America in december 2003, I went to many fantastic places; San Francisco, Los Angeles, Yosemite national park, Las Vegas, Atlanta and so on. All places where I went to remained in my memory, but one of the most fatastic places was San Francisco. So today, I'd like to introduce Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

I went to Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco with my family. It was the most beautiful scene I have never seen before. We had a tour guide who has lived in San Francisco for 15 years. He did the cicerone for us and told about Golden Gate Bridge. When we first saw(article) bridge, we were surprised that it was beautiful. It was(article) very long and big bridge I have never seen (what?)before. It looked like a bony red mountain. Many guls were flying near it. Many sightseers took a picture and walked near bridge. We took a tour bus and crossed bridge. (articleTour guide said when many cars cross bridge, sometimes it quakes fearfully. And then, we were surprised one more. It was unbelievable that such a big bridge can quake.

After that, we went aboard an white excursion steamer and sight-saw(we don't havwe a past form for this so you just have to say went sightseeing). There is the Alcatraz where came out movie is The Rock near bridge. The Alcatraz had been(article prison which no one escaped. (articleTour guide said many years ago one man tried to escape but no one knew if he succeeded or not. Everyone who knows it thinks he may died. Anyway, we took a picture in excursion steamer and went to(article buttom of(article bridge, then we past under a bridge. When we looked at it close at hand, it was really really big and long.
After finishing to go aboard a excursion steamer, there were many big, blue seals near the wharf. More surprise thing was they were on the rock near a restaurant, so people fed(article seals.

After(article tour, it gives to me a deep impression, so I never forget such many things. If you have a time, you are sure to go there.

Second Draft

When I first came to America in December 2003, I went to many fantastic places: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Yosemite National Park, Las Vegas, Atlanta and so on. All places where I went remained in my memory, but one of the most fantastic places was San Francisco.

So today, I'd like to introduce The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

I went to Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco with my family. It was the most beautiful scene I have ever seen before. We had a tour guide who has lived in San Francisco for 15 years. He gave us a guided tour and told about Golden Gate Bridge. When we first saw the bridge, we were surprised that it was beautiful. It was a very long and big. I have never seen it before. It looked like a bony red mountain. Many gulls were flying near it. Many sightseers took a picture and walked near bridge. We took a tour bus and crossed bridge. Our tour guide said when many cars cross a bridge, sometimes it quakes fearfully. And then, we were surprised once again. It was unbelievable that such a big bridge can quake.

After that, we went aboard a white excursion steamer and went sightseeing. The Alcatraz where the movie, The Rock, was filmed was near bridge. The Alcatraz had been a prison which no one escaped. A tour guide said many years ago one man tried to escape but no one knew if he succeeded or not. Everyone who knows it thinks he may have died. Anyway, we took a picture on excursion steamer and went under the bridge. When we looked at it close at hand, it was really really big and long. After finishing to go aboard an excursion steamer, there were many big, blue seals near the wharf. What was the most surprising thing was they were on the rock near a restaurant, so people fed the seals.

After our tour, it gave to me a deep impression, so I never forget such things. If you have time, you are sure to go there.


Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco


I'd like to introduce Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
I went to Golden Gate Bridge in December 2003.
It looked like a bony red mountain.
Many guls were flying near it.
When many cars cross bridge, sometimes it quakes fearfully.
Many sightseers took a picture and walked near bridge.
Some sightseers went aboard an white excursion steamer and sight-saw.
There is Alcatraz where came out movie is The Rock.


Piedmont Park

Every morning at six I will get up, gad my dog and drive to Piedmont Park.
The reason way I chose(since you are using the present tense for habitual action, choose would be better) Piedmont Park is, because there is a big dog park inside off it, so all the dogs are allowed to run unleashed and Play with all the other dogs. To me this is really relaxing, I can sit on benches in the sun(comma) meet people and watch my dog have his best time during his day.
Piedmont Park has a big lake which spreads out quiet and comfortable, (this is missing some kind of connective)nice vibes to me, plus my dog loves to swim.
At Piedmont Park I have time for my self to think about what ever(one word) I feel like, and I can concentrate on thinks so much better while I am in nature.


Demonstration C.

I had to work all week when everybody got ready for the big demonstration coming up the following weekend. For the past month I hadn't heard anything besides people talking about the weekend when the Nazis were coming in town to have a speech . To me it was really interesting to find out what the Nazis are about these days!
But I think I was the only person in my office how looked at it this way, everybody also was ready to fight, without knowing what they are going to talk about.
When it got closer to the weekend, I could see people go nuts, buying flags, building groups, dancing on the street. I also heard people talking about , throwing same explosion in to a super market so the city will stop the speech, because of security reasons.
This Saturday early in the morning I could hear motorcycles passing by my house.
Groups off people like clubs or organizations worked by singing and yelling stuff.
The whole city was loud, and music was blasting from every direction. Everybody was out drinking beer and gad ready for the 2pm speech. Around 1:30pm all the people worked close to the transitions, no fast working was possible, the city was to grouted.
At the trainstation people were throwing bottles at the still empty stage, I could hear
racist music in the back.
In the city off Freiburg were 98000 humenbeings demonstrating, it was big.
All the demonstrates will make(past tense) so much noise, and yelling, there was no way to understand anything. This was going on for like one hour, and it turned out the 50 Nazis will just leave
because they were over noised so thery were not Abel to speak at all.
Everybody was happy and kept on partying and celerbrating the kick out off(the kicking out of) the Nazis this afternoon.
Over all ican see way people go crazy when it comes to Nazis , but than again Germany is an demarcroce country, and I think everybody shut have the right to say what they have to say.
I now what the Nazis have ben all about in the 1940`s but I have no idea what there are about today because no one lets them talk!


My family's kitchen

I am going to introduce my family’s kitchen. My family has a big kitchen which has many machines. This kitchen(can ypu use a pronoun here?) has a refrigerator, microwave, and gas range. Our refrigerator and microwave are made by LG company. Our refrigerator’s name is DIOS. And our gas range is made by Samsung company. I think our kitchen is the most fascinating room. It is inside of my house.(Now, David,of course it is inside. You don't need this)
It was redesigned 4years ago and looks like very modern kitchen.
My mother uses the microwave to cook. My mother’s cooking ability is very good. I like her dumplings, “Boodezzigae”. they are made with ham, Kimchi, and bean. My kitchen’s smells very good. I can’t explain this smell. Anyway this smell is very attractive. My mother likes our kitchen. After I came here to the USA, maybe it has changed so many things. I heard My father bought a new microwave for my mother. I want to cook food to use kitchen stuff.
After I will come back(to) my country, I want to have a kitchen.
I will also cook food myself.
And I want to improve our kitchen stuff for my mother.(Better not to start a sentence witih AND)
You need to make longer and more comples sentences and try to keep your ideas more focused.)


yeh poem

My painting…

There has only one person in the painting.
That person has a pair of wings.
One of the wing(need plural) looks like an Angel’s wing.
One of the wing(need plural) looks like a Demon’s wing.

The setting looks like a sky and ocean,
But it is not. (O.K. I know you are making this a poem, but I have to tell you that for regular writing, this is considered incomplete. For the assignment, you need to apply the correct grammar. Then if you want, you can change it back to a more poetic form.)
The ocean should be blue,
But the ocean is red, a bloody red.
The sky should be straight,
But the sky is crooked, a crooked chaos.

The meaning in the painting…
The person nither an Angel nor a Demon.
The sky and the ocean is a chaos place.
The meaning in the painting… “ Human ”

The name for this painting is " the human .'' The main person in the painting has a pair of wings. One of the wing is looks likes an Angel's wing, and the other one is a Demon's wing. This is my own personal emblem. You can see it in my painting all the time.
Many people ask me what it main when they frist time saw the painting. I will tell them the name of the painting. Most of them will know the main of the wings, but they never know about the setting, " bloody red ocean, crooked sky, and the crosses."The people didn't get the meaning . I will tell them about the wings, but never expain about the setting. I hope one day somebody will konw the setting's meaning.(you need a topic sentence)




1. It is at the back of my house.
2. It was recreated for two years ago.
3. It was designed by my friend.
4. It looks like between the classic and modern Thai kitchen.
5. Its floor is covered with the rectangular white tile.
6. There are a lot of clear slatted windows on the wall of the kitchen.
7. There is one set of dark brown wooden dining-table and chairs.

First Draft


I was born in Trang. It is a province in the southern of Thailand. It is a calm, clean, and beautiful province. I have lived in my house for twenty years. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a room of worship, a living room, a drawing room, and a kitchen room. It has a yard surrounding my house. It has two ways to entry my house: the first is the stairs at the front and the other way is next to my kitchen. It’s sure that I choose the latter way to go into my house.

For me, the kitchen is the most fascinating room. It is at the back of my house. It was just redesigned two years ago and looks like a mixing between the classic and modern Thai kitchen. Its floor is covered with the rectangular white tiles. There are a lot of clear slatted windows on the wall of the kitchen. There are one set of dark brown wooden dining-table and chairs, a new gas stove, a medium new medium aluminum sink, a wooden food cupboard, and a big red refrigerator. Sometimes I feel like the color of(article) refrigerator is very strange for this room. However it is a good idea for choosing the red because it makes this room look like bright and colorful.

Every time I come in the kitchen room, I always sit to relax and find something to eat. The first place where I would like to find food is the refrigerator. Because it is a big refrigerator, it has many things such as fresh vegetable, fruits, pork, snack, beverage, and so on. I didn’t know the refrigerator has function more than I think. Actually nobody in my house knew before until my mother lost her money. It is about 8000 baht (200 dollars). She revealed that she kept her money in the dull plastic bag. Moreover she tightened her bag, put it in the plastic again, and picked it in the refrigerator. She forgot where she kept her money. Then she recalled her memory. She threw some bags in the refrigerator away in the garbage can. It may be included that her money bag.

Finally my mother didn’t get(her) money back. That is an very amazing story for me. I asked her about her idea to keep money in the refrigerator. She told me the dangerous place is the safe place. On the other hand I think the safe place is the most dangerous place for her. No matter what(article) situation is, the next time when I come in the kitchen, the first thing I do is that I will open the valuable refrigerator and find some money in the refrigerator.


I was born in Trang. It is a province in southern Thailand. It is a calm, clean, and beautiful province. I have lived in my house for twenty years. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a room of worship, a living room, a drawing room, and a kitchen. It has a yard surrounding my house. It has two ways to enter my house: the first is the stairs at the front and the other way is next to my kitchen. It’s sure that I choose the latter way to go into my house.

For me, the kitchen is the most fascinating room. It is at the back of my house. It was just redesigned two years ago and looks like a mixing between the classic and modern Thai kitchen. Its floor is covered with the rectangular white tiles. There are a lot of clear slatted windows on the wall of the kitchen. There is one set of dark brown wooden dining-table and chairs, a new gas stove, a medium new medium aluminum sink, a wooden food cupboard, and a big red refrigerator. Sometimes I feel like the color of the refrigerator is very strange for this room. However(comma) it is a good idea for choosing the red because it makes this room look like bright and colorful.

Every time I come in the kitchen, I always sit to relax and find something to eat. The first place where I would like to find food is the refrigerator. Because it is a big refrigerator, it has many things such as fresh vegetable, fruits, pork, snack, beverage, and so on. I didn’t know(you can omit this) the refrigerator has more function than I thought. Actually nobody in my house knew before until my mother lost her money. It is about 8000 baht (200 dollars). She revealed that she kept her money in the dull plastic bag. Moreover she tightened her bag, put it in the plastic again, and kept it in the refrigerator. She forgot where she kept her money. Then she recalled her memory. She threw some bags in the refrigerator away in the garbage can. They may have included that her money bag.

Finally my mother didn’t get money back. That is a very amazing story for me. I asked her about her idea to keep money in the refrigerator. She told me the dangerous place is the safe place. On the other hand I think the safe place is the most dangerous place for her. No matter what the situation is, the next time when I come in the kitchen, the first thing I do is that I will open the valuable refrigerator and find some money in the refrigerator.(use a pronoun here)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


yusunlee( park)

In my hometown there is a park across from my apartment. Called "Seo-rak-park" The park has many kinds of flowers like tulip, golden-bell tree, an azalea, pansy, and the others.It looks like a kingdom of heaven. Moreover, it has a big beautiful trimming lawn(comma) and also it has a play place for children. It has new two big tennis courts, one large baseball court, and a beautiful narrow path. Always people keep going in and out in there. They enjoy jogging, riding a bicycle, and the other exercise. Actually, it is near an office building and surrounding apartments. So during the lunch period, always, people(people always) gather in the park. They play tennis or just take rest, and then read a book. Sometimes people saunter to take their dogs and talk with somebody. At night, frequently, people play tennis because the park is always the bright place. Sometimes when I feel depressed, I go to the park. Then my feeling is so comfortable and safe. I think this is a reason that people like the park.


Lumpini Park

First draft

If(subject) mention Lumpini park , everybody in Bangkok will know. It is a comfortable large old public park. I have gone there and felt like that. It is located in the heart of Bangkok and opens between 05.00 a.m. to 09.00 p.m. everyday. Everybody can go to it by walking , car , skytrain , and subway. By the way , it consists of a light blue lake , a small playground , an old Chinese pavilion , a small library , gigantic trees , wooden benches , diversified animals , and many people who visit it.

Lumpini park is used in many relaxing activities. Every morning and evening , healthful persons always work out. Furthermore , it has some special activities every Sunday such as arranging a big or small concert - concert in the park - that has both classical and modern songs , doing social dance that most elder people like to do , and so on. In addition , several students can learn about types of fauna and flora from it.

Besides the advantages above , Lumpini park is also a source to produce a lot(not necessary) of oxygen (O2) for citizens , it is like “the green lung”. Bangkok fulfills terrible dark pollutions such as Carbon dioxide (CO2) due to having a lot of cars in the traffic. So , the park that has fully many big tall old trees which can change CO2 to O2 and make every people be fresh.

Finally , the park is very useful for people which live in the city. Its benefits affect everything such as human being(plural) ( healthy , education , entertainment) , animals (having rest) , environment. I would like to suggest that organizations , especially government , should support anything for having the park. Who can deny the park?

Second draft

If(subject) mention Lumpini Park , everybody in Bangkok will know. It is a comfortable large old public park. I have gone there and felt like that. It is located in the heart of Bangkok and opens between 05.00 a.m. to 09.00 p.m. everyday. Everybody can go to it by walking , car , skytrain , and subway. By the way , it consists of a light blue lake , a small playground , an old Chinese pavilion , a small library , gigantic trees , wooden benches , diversified animals , and many people who visit it.

Lumpini Park is used in many relaxing activities. Every morning and evening , healthful persons always work out. Furthermore , it has some special activities every Sunday such as arranging a big or small concert - concert in the park - that has both classical and modern songs , doing social dance that most elder people like to do , and so on. In addition , several students can learn about types of fauna and flora from it.

Besides the advantages above ,Lumpini Park is also a source of oxygen (O2) for citizens , so it is like “the green lung”. Bangkok has a lot of terrible dark pollutants such as Carbon dioxide (CO2) due to having a lot of cars in the traffic. So, the park has fully many big tall old trees which can change CO2 to O2 and make every people be fresh. Finally , the park is very useful for people which live in the city. Its benefits affect everything such as human beings (healthy , education , entertainment) , animals (having rest) , environment. I would like to suggest that organizations , especially government , should support anything for having the park. Who can deny the park?

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