Thursday, June 09, 2005


How to Enjoy SCUBA

- I have loved the sea since I was young -> I dreamed an underwater city like Atlantis
- Before I entered U.V., I joined CUDA ( Chungnam national University Diving Association )
- Def. of SCUBA : Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
- Equipment ( mask, snorkel, BCD, fin, wetsuit, regulator, air tank)


- Before going to the sea, you must practice a lot
- Choosing a place and date
- Check your body and equipment
- Notice diving road
- Decide how long you stay underwater
- You should dive with a guide
- When you finish diving, you should take a break for several hours
- After you dive, you must not go on an airplane for 6 hours because of nitrogen

- SCUBA diving is an wonderful sport
- Enjoy your diving

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