Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Review for Exam

Be able to use the following patterns in your writing:
1. however or therefore
2. while or whereas
3. less ...than... or fewer...than...
4. although
6. as a result
7. if.....(then)
8. result(s) from + noun phrase (often a gerund phrase)
9. as....as

link- comparison and contrast

link-cause and effect

You will be graded on the quality of your topic sentences, your organization, following directions, punctuation, and content.

Friday, July 08, 2005


Educational System Colombia vs. US

Mario Lopez
Compare and Contrast Paper Test

Educational System Colombia vs. US

The educational system in Colombia is very similar to that in America. However, both American and Colombian systems have some differences too. In addition, education is a reference of how people live in a specific place. In other words, education reflects; beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors shared by a group of the people. you don't need special punctuation here--it is a list

First, the actual educational system in the United States was created since eighty years ago. Moreover, every state in America is responsible to make the rules which go according to the place in^ US. For example,^ educational system in Georgia is very different than educational system in California. It is because, every state in the United States have different laws according to the place. However, America has a unique educational system which people adapt according with their necessities. In contrast, the educational system in Colombia was created twenty years ago. In addition, they every five or seven years make(word order) reformations to the education code. In my opinion, I believe that it is a disadvantage because this aspect could affect directly the educational quality.

On the other hand,(what is this in contrast to?) the time which spend people studying in the United States it is around twelve years while in Colombia it is around eleven years. In addition, people in America have three levels in their educational system (Elementary, Junior or Middle and High School). On the other hand, Colombia just has Elementary and high school.

Lastly, the educational system in America is^ responsibility of an administration (superintendent and local teachers) which takes decisions according to the place and their own necessities....to be continue…

On the other hand, both educational systems have some differences, like the division between private and public schools, kinder garden like first year of education, writing and writing in the first year of the elementary school, vocational school, and ^majority of people have access to public education.

In conclusion,^ educational system in Colombia is very similar to that in America. However, there are some differences between them. (you need to work on having a stonger type of concludion)


Compare and contrast between the educational system in Thailand and the US

July 8, 2005

Compare and contrast between the educational system in Thailand and the US

The education need for people in the world. After I heard about^ educational system in the US, I found that it has some similarities and differences from ^educational system my country.
For similarities, both Thailand and the US have public schools and private schools. So the people have two choices to learn in the school. In addition, both the students in the US and Thailand will receive training in the public schools.
For differences, if we consider in terms of the spent of time to study in each school, it is not^ same. The educational system of the US takes time longer than Thailand in element schools. For example, students in the US have to study for reading and writing in the element school for eight years; whereas, students in Thailand take only six years. On the other hand, they spent time in secondary schools only four years(word order) in secondary schools; while, students in Thailand must learn for six years.
All in all, the education is a good thing for people. In many countries focus on this matter especially. Although the educational system is different in many parts of the world, I think it is appropriate in the each country by ifself. Keep on topic.


Education in Germany

Christin Morath

Writing Practice test.

Education in Germany!

It is very easy to discover the small differences between the German and American Education. It is similar, except for a few areas, which I am going to explain.
By the age of 3, kids in Germany go to the kindergarten for 3 year(plural), by the age of 6 they go to junior Highschool for about 4 years before everyone gets to choose in which direction they want to be educated. There are 3 options, you can go to Highschool , Middleschool , or straigh to college. Which means going to Middleschool, kids will be finished by the age of 16 with the minimum degree you must have by law in Germany. Highschool offers 9 years of education and the degree means much more, and it is required for a lot of ok jobs. Going to College means a lot. Kids get to study for 12 years, and learn a lot about how to handle them self’s in a big position job, or how to get prepared at the university. You must have a college degree, going to the university .The educational way works alike it dose in ^USA, besides we don’t have privet schools so much. There are very little options for privet schools, like a sport school or music school, and in Germany schools are for free, it’s mostly paid by the government, organization and the church will race money for schools and kindergarten in little villages.


Korea vs America

If you are Korean and go to ^American school in the US, you will be confused about the difference of the education system between Korea and the US. If you want to go to^ American school, first of all, you have to get imformations that how much different is the education system between Korea and the US. There are several different and similar things between the educational system of Korea and the educational system of the US. (This is a bit repetitive.)

In Korea, the total of the grades(plural) is the same as the US; however, it consists of three school(plural): elementary, middle and high school in Korea. While Americans call 12 grade student 12 grader, we call student 1,2,3,4,5,6 grader in elementary school and 1,2,3 grader in middle and high school. We don't have 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 grade. According to the listening, American kids go to the kindergarden at 5 years old, but Korean parents usually send kids to kindergarden at 6 or 7 years old. And also American(plural) must go to school until 10 grades; however, Korean must go to school before they go to a university. In addition, in Korea, while they have to pay for text book and something like that, they don't have to pay for that in the US.


In-class writing practice test

Listen to the following audio post, then click on the link below and write a short essay in response to the question. Some special terms that you will hear are listed below with a definition. You will have 40 minutes to complete the exercise. You may do your work on a word document, but should post on this weblog when you have finished. This is a practice test, so please do not use your dictionary.

administer--govern or direct
allocate--set aside for a specific purpose
compulsory--required by law
curriculum--program of study
funds--money set aside or raised for a specific purpose
superintendent--chief administrative officer of a school system
vocational school--trade school

this is an audio post - click to play

link to essay question

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Compare/contrast between men and women of life in my country

By Paul
When the world turns round itself, everything changes continuously. So human beings in the world are one of those things which have to adjust following the time. It includes roles of men and women. In the past, many rights between men and women in my country were completely different, but now they are only a little difference. However, they still have both similarities and differences
within themselves.

For similarities, men and women can almost work everything equally. Women can do any kind of work as men, such as official leaders, soldiers, and so on, whereas men can do things such as housework, cooking foods, sewing clothes and so on. Moreover, both of them can study almost everything equally. The educational system in Thailand doesn’t separate the gender to attend the school. Besides, one important thing that both of them have to do is to take care their parents when they can’t work. Because such is the old culture of Thailand.

For differences, men can make a date before, while women shouldn’t. Because if women ask for a date , they will be regarded as naughty and bitchy. Furthermore, the word in front of women’s name has two words that identify the marriage status of women. Men, on the other hand, have just one that it doesn’t. This issue is not fare for women. The last difference is that women aren’t able to go into the monkshood in Buddhism, but they can just become the nun.

All in all, no matter what you are, man or woman, you have got the rights equally to live on the earth. In addition, if you make many benefits for the public and yourself, you will get loving from others and living together happily. I would hope that my country and others in the world will completely have the equal rights between men and women in the future. If it is possible like that, both of them will walk together to improve their country and our world will fully havetho
peace. (this is really nice--please talk to me about it)


Compare/contrast between the people life in urban and rural areas

June 7, 2005

Compare/contrast between the people life in urban and rural areas.

Nowadays many countries develop rapidly to modernize the countries. The development cannot be equal throughout all areas. That makes the difference in many areas, especially the urban and rural areas. However, they are not completely separated. They have both differences and similarities in terms of the people’s life.

For the differences, the first is that the people in urban areas always have to confront the air pollution problem, while the people in rural areas can be close to ^ good environment. This is a disadvantage for people who live in the urban areas. It is ^fact that they have the lung problemm(use plural here) or get sick easier (use adverb form) than the rural people. On the other hand, the urban people have the good public utilities. For example, the hospitals in urban areas are more modern than the hospitals in rural areas. The last difference is the difference of function of things. For example, in Thailand, the rural people usually use the motorcycle while the urban people favor the motorcycle only in rush hours.

For the similarities, both of them can access the information immediately by TV. For example; no matter what happen in any part of the world, they can know ^in the same time. Furthermore, both of them have a good spirit. For example, they have sympathy and willingness to help people when Thais encounter the natural disaster. This is a merit that can be both the urban people and the rural people. Above of all, it is not important that they live any areas because it doesn’t distinguish the rights. For example, both of them have equality to vote^ the political election.

All in all, although the development still goes on continually, many socialists begin to consider the big problem of the development. I suggest the leader in the each country should focus on the difference between the people (possessive)life in urban and rural areas, and try to make ^smaller gap between urban people and rural people. Who can deny the important of the careful development that regards for people in every area?

Out line


Both of them can access the information immediately by TV.
Both of them have sympathy and willingness to help people when Thais encounter the natural disaster.
Both of them have equality to vote the political election.


The people in urban areas always have to confront air pollution problem, while the people in rural areas can be close to good environment.

The hospitals in urban areas are more modern than the hospitals in rural areas.

People in the rural areas usually use the motorcycle; on the other hand, people in urban areas favor the motorcycle only in rush hours.

Second Draft

Compare/contrast between the people life in urban and rural areas.

Nowadays many countries rapidly change to the modernizing countries. The development cannot be equal throughout all areas. That makes the difference in many areas, especially the urban and rural areas. However, they are not completely separated. They have both differences and similarities in terms of the people’s life.

For the differences, the first is that the people in urban areas always have to confront the air pollution problem, while the people in rural areas can be close to ^ good environment. This is a disadvantage for people who live in the urban areas. It is ^fact that they have the lung problemm(use plural here) or get sick easier (use adverb form) than the rural people. On the other hand, the urban people have the good public utilities. For example, the hospitals in urban areas are more modern than the hospitals in rural areas. The last difference is the difference of function of things. For example, in Thailand, the rural people usually use the motorcycle while the urban people favor the motorcycle only in rush hours.

For the similarities, both of them can access the information immediately by TV. For example; no matter what happen in any part of the world, they can know ^in the same time. Furthermore, both of them have a good spirit. For example, they have sympathy and willingness to help people when Thais encounter the natural disaster. This is a merit that can be both the urban people and the rural people. Above of all, it is not important that they live any areas because it doesn’t distinguish the rights. For example, both of them have equality to vote^ the political election.

All in all, although the development still goes on continually, many socialists begin to consider the big problem of the development. I suggest the leader in the each country should focus on the difference between the people (possessive)life in urban and rural areas, and try to make ^smaller gap between urban people and rural people. Who can deny the important of the careful development that regards for people in every area?


Cultural Differences between Colombia and US

Mario Lopez
Compare and Contrast Paper

Cultural Differences between Colombia and US

The American culture is very similar to that in Colombia. However, there are some differences between them. For instance, beliefs, values customs, and behaviors shared by a group of the people are a good example to explain what culture is. In addition, some customs, like food, trade, language, and music make the difference between cultures(use comma before this word) too.

First, it is differences between foods. Colombia (need adjective form)food is fresher than food in ^US. In other words, food is more natural and free of preservatives. For example, vegetables grains, and fruit have a different taste in ^US than in Colombia because^ the way that they growth(passive) were different. In addition, Americans eat much fat food, and only a small amount of grains, fruit, and vegetables. Another reason is the American people use more canning food, hamburger, pizza, and hot dog. In contrast, Colombian people eat large amounts of grains, fish, fruit, and very little meat because it is very expensive.

Second, ^USA is one’s the countries the more trade in the world and it is called one’s world –wide power and my country is called a third world country. In other words, US is a rich country while Colombia is a poor country. In addition, this aspect reflects the opportunities in education, jobs and life quality.

Third, Colombian people speak Spanish(comma) which the second language spoken in the world. In contrast, the Americans (possessive)language is the third language spoken in the world, but it is the first language^ the international business and vacation trips.

Fourth, the Colombian music is happier than American music because the Colombian music emphasizes in the cultural tradition of the towns, and it is sweeter, melancholic, and sentimental.

Lastly, people in my country people have been basic motives by emigration to other countries; these were the principal motives, economic pressure, use resources, work opportunities, protection, political freedom, national policies and better life by family. In the other hand, when people legal or illegal going to the other country they can suffer many form(plural) of the discrimination while other people can be living very happy in their live, but often discrimination refers to treating one group of people less well than another on such grounds ad their race, religion, sexism, ethnic background, nationality, disability sexual orientation, preferences or behavior, age and political views. In contrast, people in America don’t need ^move from their own Country.

In conclusion, culture in Colombia is very similar to that in America. However, there are some differences between them.


Recreational activities in the U.S. and Korea

Now, I have been living here for 4 moths, so I have been impressed by difference (plural)between the U.S. and Korea; especially, recreational activities. Now I’ll tell you three differences.

I made American friends in here, so we sometimes hung out in the bar. I love hanging out to drink because I’m a Korean, and they(reference not clear) love, too. However, my American friends don’t want to drink until dawn. I’m used to drinking a lot because most Korean people enjoy drinking until dawn, so a lot of bars, karaokes and restaurants open until dawn, so that’s my first impression about Americans.
In May, I visited Loren’s lake house who is my American friend Ryan’s girlfriend. There is really calm and peaceful, but I was surprised by lots of jet skis and boats. In Korea, only the rich, like a CEO, own a jet ski or a boat, but her parents are doctors. Furthermore, there are a lot of mountains, but a little lake in Korea, so many Korean people enjoy skiing, snow boarding and climbing; however, There are lots of lakes in America, so most Americans enjoy water sports such as yachting, jet skiing and wakeboarding. I really envy about this because I like playing in the water.
Finally, last week I went to ^shooting range. It’s really awesome. In the U.S. having a gun is legal, so a lot of Americans go to the shooting range or hunting. However, it’s illegal in Korea, so it’s my special experience for my life.

However, both Americans and Koreans like watching movies in the free time, and I think both Americans and Koreans want to enjoy their life, so they spend lots of money to improve their life.


compare/ contrast pragraph

Compare paragraph/contrast

Korean education and America’s are so similar, but on the other hand so different.
Nowadays, education is very important to all over the world.
Everwhere, people are concerned about their education. Today I will talk about American and Korean education. Both the American and Korean education prefer to better their life. And then they want to get so many opportunities. Moreover, both the educations can make a lot of intelligent people. On the other hand, Korean education is stricter than American education. Actually, in Korean people childhood, they face and get a lot of information about education, and they learn to their study hard. On the other side, America education is slower and freer.

Compare/ contrast education in the U.S and your country.Topic sentence: Korea education and America education.SimilaritiesBoth of them consider that people improve their life better than now.Both of them can make a lot of intelligence people.DifferencesKorea education is stricter than America education.America education is so many selections but korea education is limitation.Compare/ contrast education in the U.S and your country.Topic sentence: Korea education and America education.SimilaritiesBoth of them consider that people improve their life better than now.Both of them can make a lot of intelligence people.DifferencesKorea education is stricter than America education.America education is so many selection but korea education is limitation.

Compare paragraph/contrast

Korean education and America’s are so similar, but on the other hand so different.
Nowadays, education is very important to all over the world.
Everwhere, people are concerned about their education. Today I will talk about American and Korean education. Both the American and Korean education prefer to better their life. And then they want to get so many opportunities. Moreover, both the educations can make a lot of intelligent people. On the other hand, Korean education is stricter than American education. Actually, in Korean people childhood, they face and get a lot of information about education, and they learn to their study hard. On the other side, America education is slower and freer.

Compare/ contrast education in the U.S and your country.Topic sentence: Korea education and America education.SimilaritiesBoth of them consider that people improve their life better than now.Both of them can make a lot of intelligence people.DifferencesKorea education is stricter than America education.America education is so many selections but korea education is limitation.Compare/ contrast education in the U.S and your country.Topic sentence: Korea education and America education.SimilaritiesBoth of them consider that people improve their life better than now.Both of them can make a lot of intelligence people.DifferencesKorea education is stricter than America education.America education is so many selection but korea education is limitation.


Compare/contract in the U.S.A and Korea

Korean education and the U.S.A education have differences and similarities. Both Korea and the U.S.A have ^same school courses. Both Korean and American students need to take an exam when they go to the university or college. Korea has a Su-Neung test and the U.S.A has a SAT test. Maybe, Korea students study harder than American(use plural) because the Su-Neung test is the most important test for entering university or college in Korea. Your life can be changed by the Su-Neung test. Korean student(use plural) have to pay for high school whereas American student don’t have to pay for high school. As soon as, Korean school should don’t have to pay for high school.^ Korean education form is ‘repeat and memorize’, but American education form is ‘student can express opinions. It is a Korean education problem. We have to change it. Most Korean students have to wear school uniform (use plural)and hair style is limited while America students can wear each one’s style and they can do each one’s hair style.


Compare/contrast education in the U.S. and your country

U.S and Korea schools have similarities and differences.
I am going to explain about 4 similarities now.
First,SimilaritiesSimilaritiesSimilarities both of the U.S and Korean education have a one teacher in a class. I think this system is selected by all world school. U.S, England, and so on, rich country schools have small students in a class. But some country schools have a so many students in a class. For example, Africa schools have many students in a class.(not related to your topic) Second, both of the U.S and Korean education system (use plural)have 12 grades before^ student go to university. ^School system consists of element school, middle school, high school. Third, both of the U.S and Korean student(use plural) are studying for a job. An academic clique is very important for^ job.Last, both of them study to improve their life. An academic clique is also important for life. That is not exactly correct, but many times good company want to get good academic clique students.I am going to explain about differences.
First, students in Korea are studying all subjects that are required, but students in the U.S who are studying in a class can study their favorites subjects as well as required subject(use plural).
Second, high school students in Korea study for^ good university, because university is important for ^job. But high school students in U.S study for ^enjoyable life.
Last, students in Korea get a job about their major, but students in U.S get a job about their aptitude’s things.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


compare/ contrast education

Compare/ contrast education in the U.S and your country.

Topic sentence: Korea education and America education.


Both of them consider that people improve their life better than now.

Both of them can make a lot of intelligence people.


Korea education is stricter than America education.
America education is so many selection but korea education is limitation.


Recreational activities in the U.S. and Korea

1. Difference
- In the U.S. having ^gun is legal, so a lot of Americans go to the shooting range or hunting. However, it’s illegal in the Korea.
- Most Korean people enjoy drinking until dawn, so a lot of bars, karaokes and restaurants open until dawn, but I think most Americans rarely love drinking; therefore they come home early.
- There are lots of lakes in the America(the is used with USA, but not with America), so most Americans enjoy water sports such as yachting, jet skiing and wakeboarding. However, there are a lot of mountains in Korea, so many Korean people enjoy skiing, snow boarding and climbing.

2. Similarities
- I think both Americans and Koreans like watching movies.
- Both Americans and Koreans want to enjoy their life, so they spend lots of money to improve their life.


Compare/contrast education in the U.S. and your country

1. Both of the U.S and Korean education have a one teacher in a class.

2. Both of the U.S and Korean education system have 12 grades before student go to university.

3. Both of the U.S and Korean student are studying for a job.

4. Both of them study to improve their life.

1. Students in Korea are studying all subjects that are required, but students in the U.S who are studying in a class can study their favorites subjects as well as required subject.


The Rich & The Poor

There are the poor and the rich in most countries. A developing or an advanced nation has more people who are the rich and the poor. In my country, more developmental they are coming out. There are some comparisons and contrasts in Korea.

First of all, because both the poor and the rich are human, so they want to be happy. For leading a life, that we need money is true but, the most important thing is happiness. And, they can get an education until highschool because it is a duty of education in my country; however, the poor have limits to receive an better education becuase of money. Also, both try to get a job and money for better life. But there are also limits. In other words, the goverment ignores the poor, whereas the rich receive a benefit from the goverment. For example, it is easy for the rich to get a loan at a bank because their credits are perfect; however, not the poor. Finally, while the poor are becoming poorer and poorer, the rich are becoming richer and richer because it is easy for the rich to get a job and money.

Until now, there are many problems that we have to solve. These are becoming a social problem. The goverment is trying to make the social security system better. However, the most important thing for both is that they have to respect each other as a human, as not money.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Comparison/Contrast C = Two aspects of life in my country.


C = Two aspects of life in my country. Social state or police state?

In the United States people often ask me about the great idea of a socialized country, It does sound great, but there a lot of aspects in the whole idea, which do notwork at all.^^ All the people who lose their job, yes there is the government paying them around70% what they made while working a job, but also people who never worked in their whole lives are also allowed to have money from the state. And people who are not even from Germany go and get government money, which means my father, right now works for at lest 3 lazy people, and that can’t be right. Also the media works around politics; you only hear news on TV who absolutely fit (subject-verb agreement)in with the strategies of politician(use plural). On the other hand, you will never see a handicapped person on the street, there ^also no homeless, because the state has homes and housing for people who can’t work a job or don’t have a home also. Young people do not take drugs so much, because they are not relay around.


The poor and the rich

Compare/contrast two aspects of life in your country.


1. Both the poor and the rich want to be happy.

2. Both can get an education until a highschool because it is a duty of education in my country.

3. Both try to get a job and money for better life.


1. While the poor are becoming poorer and poorer, the rich are becoming richer and richer
because it is easy for the rich to get a job and money.

2. The goverment ignores the poor, whereas the rich receive a benefit from the goverment.
For example, it is easy for the rich to get a loan at a bank because their credits are perfect; however, not the poor.



For this composition, you will need to choose one of the following topics:

A. Compare/contrast education in the U.S. and your country
B. Compare/contrast recreational activities (what people do in their spare time)in the U.S. and your country
C. Compare/contrast two aspects of life in your country.

Include at least four of the patterns we have practiced in class.

Monday, July 04, 2005


Happy 4th of July

Hi Barbara, i was going to finish my Sherry cake resape, but i coulden`t find it!
so decidet to write somthing completly new.


Friday, July 01, 2005


Difference of driving between USA. And Thailand

By Paul......
I was very confusing when I first arrived^ America. Many things in the US. differ from Thailand, especially driving the car. I have had to learn several things about it.
First, drivers in Thailand are on the right hand side of the car, but drivers in the US are on the left hand side. I was unfamiliar with driving in the US when I drove or sat. Because I had to drive keeping the right lane, whereas in Thailand I drove keeping the left lane. (fragment--combine with the previous sentence)Therefore, I had got to be careful specially and remind myself that I didn’t have to drive^ the wrong lane.
Second, the driving law in Thailand isn’t strict; however, the driving law in the US is very strict strongly. For example, if you drive in the US and see the stop sign, you will have to drive slowly and break. On the other hand, in Thailand you can drive through it if the roads empty.
Last, the pedestrians in Thailand have to look^ the right hand side first, whereas the pedestrians in the US have to look ^the left hand side first. This is quite a big problem for me because I had to change my thought when I crossed the road in the US.
All in all, Although I had some problems about driving, now I can adjust to drive safely and live in the US happily. I would suggest that whoever goes to other countries, he/she should study about details of those. What happens if you don’t know at all about your destination???


Driving the car in Thailand differs from in the USA

July 1, 2005
Janthima Srisombat

Driving the car in Thailand differs from in the USA

The first time when I came to the USA, I knew immediately about the difference of driving in Thailand and in the USA. There are many differences in driving the car.

The first, the drivers in Thailand are on the right of the car, while the drivers in the USA are on the left of the car. As the result, the pedestrians in Thailand have to look^ the right first, whereas the pedestrians in the USA have to look ^the left first.

The second, most drivers in the USA will stop their cars in front of the stop sign; on the other hand, most drivers in Thailand don’t have to. That is good American drivers characteristic. Not only is it safe for the drivers, but the pedestrians too. It has not a doubt if I say that I am relaxed with crossing the road in the USA more than in Thailand.

The third, in Thailand the citizen(plural) have the driver license when they are 18 years old; however, in the USA the people can drive the car when they are only 16. I think the 16 years people are too young for driving because it causes for occurring the accident easily.

Finally, there are a lot of differences from driving car in the USA and in Thailand. So I suggest that people who come from Thailand should care driving and crossing the road more and more.


Paragraph Pattern from 6-27-05

The size of the USA is so much bigger than Germany, on the other hand I am able to travel Germany in 12 hour's from south to the north, while you could not travel the USA in 12 hour's.
While I travel with pupilc transportation, Americans travel by car across the country.
While I am sitting in the train for 12 hour's driving throw tunnels, on the other hand people in the US got to see the beautiful country side. While i am in the train, i am going to have 3 meals, on the other hand americans go to an drive throw every houer (Christin, you don't need to use both while and on the other hand in the same sentence.)

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