Friday, July 01, 2005


Driving the car in Thailand differs from in the USA

July 1, 2005
Janthima Srisombat

Driving the car in Thailand differs from in the USA

The first time when I came to the USA, I knew immediately about the difference of driving in Thailand and in the USA. There are many differences in driving the car.

The first, the drivers in Thailand are on the right of the car, while the drivers in the USA are on the left of the car. As the result, the pedestrians in Thailand have to look^ the right first, whereas the pedestrians in the USA have to look ^the left first.

The second, most drivers in the USA will stop their cars in front of the stop sign; on the other hand, most drivers in Thailand don’t have to. That is good American drivers characteristic. Not only is it safe for the drivers, but the pedestrians too. It has not a doubt if I say that I am relaxed with crossing the road in the USA more than in Thailand.

The third, in Thailand the citizen(plural) have the driver license when they are 18 years old; however, in the USA the people can drive the car when they are only 16. I think the 16 years people are too young for driving because it causes for occurring the accident easily.

Finally, there are a lot of differences from driving car in the USA and in Thailand. So I suggest that people who come from Thailand should care driving and crossing the road more and more.

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