Thursday, July 07, 2005


Cultural Differences between Colombia and US

Mario Lopez
Compare and Contrast Paper

Cultural Differences between Colombia and US

The American culture is very similar to that in Colombia. However, there are some differences between them. For instance, beliefs, values customs, and behaviors shared by a group of the people are a good example to explain what culture is. In addition, some customs, like food, trade, language, and music make the difference between cultures(use comma before this word) too.

First, it is differences between foods. Colombia (need adjective form)food is fresher than food in ^US. In other words, food is more natural and free of preservatives. For example, vegetables grains, and fruit have a different taste in ^US than in Colombia because^ the way that they growth(passive) were different. In addition, Americans eat much fat food, and only a small amount of grains, fruit, and vegetables. Another reason is the American people use more canning food, hamburger, pizza, and hot dog. In contrast, Colombian people eat large amounts of grains, fish, fruit, and very little meat because it is very expensive.

Second, ^USA is one’s the countries the more trade in the world and it is called one’s world –wide power and my country is called a third world country. In other words, US is a rich country while Colombia is a poor country. In addition, this aspect reflects the opportunities in education, jobs and life quality.

Third, Colombian people speak Spanish(comma) which the second language spoken in the world. In contrast, the Americans (possessive)language is the third language spoken in the world, but it is the first language^ the international business and vacation trips.

Fourth, the Colombian music is happier than American music because the Colombian music emphasizes in the cultural tradition of the towns, and it is sweeter, melancholic, and sentimental.

Lastly, people in my country people have been basic motives by emigration to other countries; these were the principal motives, economic pressure, use resources, work opportunities, protection, political freedom, national policies and better life by family. In the other hand, when people legal or illegal going to the other country they can suffer many form(plural) of the discrimination while other people can be living very happy in their live, but often discrimination refers to treating one group of people less well than another on such grounds ad their race, religion, sexism, ethnic background, nationality, disability sexual orientation, preferences or behavior, age and political views. In contrast, people in America don’t need ^move from their own Country.

In conclusion, culture in Colombia is very similar to that in America. However, there are some differences between them.

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