Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Outline on How to Write a Paragraph

How to Write a Paragraph
Before you write
A. Choose a topic
1.Assigned by the teacher
2.Your own choice
B. Get ideas by
1. Brainstorming
2.Making lists
3. Drawing pictures
C. Decide on a Controlling Idea and write a Topic Sentence
1. Make sure the style (narrative, cause and effect, etc.) is clear
2. Make sure you have included details
D. Choose your main points
1. From step B select useful information
2. Add more information if necessary
E. Find details and examples to support main points
F. Make an Outline
Write the Paragraph
A.Use the correct format
1. Indent
2. Double space
3. Use margins on both sides of the paper
B. Use the outline and key vocabulary
C. Use a variety of sentence structures
1. Simple
2. Compound
3. Complex
D. Write a conclusion that summarizes the main points
Check your work
A. Spelling
B. Subject-verb agreement
C. Complete sentences

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